On the 9th July our 2nd transnational meeting took place in an online conference due to the COVID-19.

During the online meeting partners presented the activities already done and in particular the Intellectual Output 1 – A guideline for teachers and trainers about the use of 3D Printing and Augmented Reality already available on the website. They also are planning the activities of the intellectual output 2 working with associated partners even if it was a little bit hard due to the COVID-19.

The use of 3D printing and AR technology will transform how people with SpLD will learn by offering a multisensory experience to them. For the development of Multisensory methods and methodology, the new technologies (3D printing and AR) can be useful tools for developing new inclusive tools.

SpLD is a type of Neurodevelopmental Disorder that not allows the ability to learn or use specific academic skills in one or more areas of reading, writing, math, listening comprehension, and expressive language, which are the bases for other academic learning.

In the following month, before September, the consortium of partners will work on the definition of the 10 exercises in 3D printing and 10 in Augmented reality for people with SpLD.

BRAVE NEW WORDS: Innovative educational tools for training and teaching people with Special Learning Disorders, Project number: (2019-1-PL01-KA204-064981) is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme, KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education and it involve 4 partners from different countries: Italy, Spain, Bulgarian and Poland.

The main goal of the project is to create innovative learning pathways that increase the quality of the work of educators and staff members dealing with students with Special Learning Disorders (SpLD), using 3D Printing and Augmentative Reality.

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